

Mamutų medžioklė

Original language: Lithuanian

Mamutų medžioklė

05-03 16:00 Chamber hall

1968 year. Young and charismatic director Jonas Juraš puts on the play "Mammoth Hunting" in the Kaunas Drama Theater. The show is a huge success: tickets are being snapped up, and good reviews are spreading by word of mouth. Such popularity endangers the then government and decides to ban Mammoth hunting. Gathering secretly in the theater at night, the troupe plays the performance for the last time in front of the movie cameras and films it. Unfortunately, the film mysteriously disappears, and the director is soon forced to leave not only the theater, but also Lithuania.

Director: Aistė Stonytė
Year: 2023
Country: Lietuva
Runtime: 94 min
Rating: N-7
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